One of the reasons why online poker is so popular is that it resembles life in so many different ways. One of the biggest ways that online poker resembles life is in comparison with a job interview. Both poker and a job interview can turn into an intense and high stakes endeavor with much on the line along with plenty of strategy and positioning. There are some key pointers from poker pros that can be used for job interviews.
It all begins with “knowing your cards.” Just as a poker pro must have expertise in dealing with whatever hand he was dealt it is imperative that you are well prepared for a job interview and studying as much as you can about the place that you aspire to work for. It is important to both anticipate questions and answers.
When at a job interview it is also important to read the interviewer just as a poker pro will read his opponent. A good poker pro will quickly pick up on tells from his opponent and more often than not you can pick up on tells from the person interviewing you for a job. This leads into another poker pro skill of improvisation.
When interviewing for a job it is important to learn from your mistakes and losses and keep a good poker face to recover during the latter stages of the interview to finish strong. Even if there was a bad period of the interview it is critical to learn the tells and reads and close with a bang!