How can you improve your game and play better poker? How about learning from poker pros? Let’s take a look at the top five tips from professional poker players.
1 – Game Selection – The number one tip that poker professionals tell people is to focus on game selection. The most important decision in poker is which game to play and surprisingly, many players don’t take much time to pick their best game and the best table.
2. Bankroll Management – You should have a minimum of 30 buy-ins before you sit down at the table. Most people don’t even think about what they need before playing at a table.
3. Raise or Fold – If you want to win money at Texas Holdem then you should either be raising or folding. Forget about limping and forget about calling. If you have a good hand then raise; if not, fold.
4. Don't Bluff Much – Most people like to bluff and look good but if you want to win money forget about bluffing. Rarely do bluffs work in today’s world of poker.
5. Don't Keep Making Mistakes – You might make a bad decision
by calling the flop but don’t keep making mistakes by chasing
the hand. If you make a mistake, then live with it and move on. Don’t
keep making more mistakes to make up for the first one.